Waec 2023 Civic Education Question and Answers

Waec 2023 civic education Question and answers

Welcome to edustuff.org.ng, In this post we have provided you, the waec 2023 civic education answers.


(i) Soil moisture 

(ii) Temperature

(iii) Organic matter

(iv) Soil pH

(v) Soil Texture 

(vii) Oxygen levels


(i) Specimen A creates burrows as it moves through the soil, which enhances soil aeration

(ii) It consumes decaying plant material and aids in the soil decomposition process.

(iii) It burrows through the soil, creating channels that improve soil structure. 

(iv) Its burrows act as pathways for water movement through the soil.

(v) It consumes organic matter in the soil, breaking it down into smaller particles.

(vi) It produces a sticky substance called mucilage, which helps bind soil particles together, forming aggregates or clumps.

(vii) Its activity can influence soil pH.

(viii) It promotes the growth and activity of beneficial soil microorganisms. 

(ix) The presence of specimen A in the soil, contribute to higher plant productivity.


(i) Its activity resuts to crop damage

(ii) Its extensive tunneling systems underground, which can destabilize the soil structure leads to soil erosion

(iii) It can disrupt nutrient cycling in the soil.

(iv) They can target young seedlings causing damage to the seedling

(iv) The infestation of specimen B can weaken the overall health and vitality of plants. 

(v) They increased soil vulnerability to drought.

(vi) Their activity can lead to economic loss.

(vii) It can cause decrease in plant productivity.


(i) Specimen C has good drainage

(ii)) It has the ability to retain and release nutrients effectively.

(iii) It has good water retention capacity

(iv) It provides adequate aeration

(v) The balanced texture of specimen C provides an ideal environment for root development and penetration

(vi) Specimen C is known for its workability and ease of cultivation

(vii) It can maintain its fertility and productivity over the long term


-Specimen E: 

(i) It is used for providing constant and easily accessible water supply to livestock. 

(ii) It can be utilized as part of an irrigation system.

(iii) It can be used to rear aquatic organisms such as fish, prawns etc.

(iv) It is used in nurseries and greenhouses for seedling propagation.

(v) It is can be used for water storage.

-Specimen F: 

(i) It is frequently used to provide feed for cattle. 

(ii) It is used to provide feed for sheep and goats.

(iii) In poultry farming, it is used to deliver feed to chickens, and other poultry species.

(iv) They are essential in pig farming to deliver feed to pigs. 

(v) It can be used to feed fish and other aquatic organisms.

(vi) They are used in horse stables and pastures to provide feed for horses.

Specimen G: 

(i) Egg candler is commonly used to determine the viability of eggs before incubation. 

(ii) They are used to monitor the development of the embryo inside the egg.

(iii) They can be used to determine the sex of the embryo in some poultry.

(iv) They can aid in the diagnosis of certain diseases or infections in poultry.

-Specimen H:

(i) It is used for catching small fishes and other aquatic animals

(ii) They are useful tools for maintaining aquariums and fish tanks.

(iii) They are re often used in the care of aquatic pets, such as turtles, frogs, or small aquatic mammals

(iv) They are used in pond dipping activities, particularly in environmental education programs. 


-Specimen E:

(i) It has a float enclosure

(ii) It has trapezoidal faces

(iii) it has a front facing reservoir

-Specimen F:

(i) It has a rectangular shape

(ii) It has an open top

-Specimen G:

(i) It is solid

(ii) It has an opening or aperture through which the egg is placed for examination

-Specimen H:

(i) It has a net

(ii) It has a handle

(iii) It has a frame that supports the net 


(i) Dip net

(ii) Seine Net

(iii) Cast Net

(iv) Butterfly Net

(v) Traps

(vi) Hook and lines

I: Saccharum officinarum

J: Ananas comosus

K: Zingiber Officinale


I: Cutting of its stalk.

J: Suckers

K:  rootstalk.



(i) It is used industrially in making rum 

(ii) It can be used in making Charcoal


(i)  It is used in making fruit juice

(ii) It Create employment opportunity through selling


Social insect



(ii)Bee pollen

(iii)Bee bread 



Specimen N:

(i) It serve as an excellent bedding material for poultry houses.

(ii) It can be used as litter on the floor of the poultry house. 

(iii) Wood shavings make suitable nesting material for poultry. 

(iv) Wood shavings can be used as an insulating material in the walls or ceiling of the poultry house.

Specimen Q: 

(i) It can be used as a source of heat in poultry houses.

(ii) It can be used to repel insects and pests in a poultry house.

(iii) Using specimen Q in the poultry house, can help minimize and control foul smells.

(iv) It can be used for brooding newly hatched chicks.


(i) Chopped straw

(ii) Shredded Newspaper 

(iii) Sawdust

(iv) Sand

(v) Hay

(vi) Coconut Fiber

(vii) Corn cobs


(i) Specimen N  has a higher absorbency compared to Specimen M. 

(ii) Specimen N provides a better cushioning effect than M.

(iii) Specimen N allows for better airflow within the deep litter bedding. 

(iv) Specimen M tends to generate more dust particles compared to Specimen N.

(v) Specimen N tend to last longer in the deep litter bedding than M.

(vi) Specimen N are often more cost-effective compared to Specimen M.


(i) The chicks will try to regulate their body temperature by drinking more water when they feel hot.

(ii) They may huddle together or seek out cooler areas in the brooder house.

(iii) Chicks may become less active.

(iv) Chicks may spread their wings away from their bodies to increase heat dissipation.

(v) The chicks may open their beaks and breathe rapidly to increase air circulation and cool down their bodies.

(vi) Chicks may vocalize more when they are subjected to excessive heat.

(vii) The chicks may reduce their food intake.


(i) They may huddle together in a tight group to conserve body heat.

(ii) Chicks may become more active and move around the brooder house.

(iii) The chicks may shiver to try and warm up.

(iv) The chicks may reduce their feed intake and water consumption.

(v) The Chicks may respond by fluffing up their feathers.


(i) Specimen Q provide a localized heat source within the poultry house.

(ii) Using specimen Q can be more energy-efficient compared to other heating methods, as th charcoal burns slowly and can provide a longer-lasting heat source without frequent refueling

(iii) Charcoal combustion produces dry heat, which helps reduce the moisture content in the poultry house.

(iv) Charcoal combustion generates minimal smoke and fewer emissions compared to other fuel sources.

(v) It is generally an affordable fuel option, making it a cost-effective choice for heating poultry houses.

The executive arm of government in Nigeria is one of the three branches of government, alongside the legislative and judicial branches. The executive arm of government in Nigeria plays a crucial role in governance, policy implementation, and the administration of the country. Its primary function is to execute laws, provide effective leadership, and ensure the well-being and progress of the nation and its citizens. It comprises of the Police, Arm Forces and different ministries and parastatals. The President of Nigeria is the head of state and the head of government.


The executive arm of government in Nigeria is one of the three branches of government. It is responsible for implementing and executing laws, policies, and programs that govern the country. The President of Nigeria is the head of the executive branch, and the office is held by the individual elected through a national election. It comprises of the Police, Arm Forces and different ministries and parastatals.


(i)Implementation of Laws: The executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws passed by the legislature.

(ii)Protection of Civil Liberties: The executive branch is responsible for safeguarding the civil liberties and rights of citizens.

(iii)Executive Leadership: The executive arm provides leadership and direction to the government. 

(iv)Checks and Balances: The executive branch acts as a check and balance on other branches of government.

(v)International Relations: The executive arm represents the country in international affairs and diplomatic relations.

(vi)Crisis Management and National Security: The executive branch is responsible for managing crises and ensuring national security. 

(vii)Accountability to the Legislature and the People: The executive branch is accountable to the legislature and ultimately to the people.

(i) Policy Development and Implementation: Public servants play a crucial role in developing policies and strategies to address societal issues and achieve national goals. They research, analyze, and make recommendations to policymakers, and then implement approved policies, monitoring their progress and making adjustments as needed.

(ii) Service Delivery: Public servants are responsible for delivering public services to citizens. This includes providing healthcare, education, transportation, infrastructure development, social welfare programs, and more. They work to ensure these services are accessible, efficient, and of high quality.

(iii) Regulation and Compliance: Public servants enforce regulations and ensure compliance with laws and standards. They oversee sectors such as finance, commerce, health, and the environment, developing and implementing regulations, conducting inspections, and taking enforcement actions when necessary.

(iv) Budgeting and Financial Management: Public servants are involved in the formulation and execution of government budgets. They prepare budget proposals, allocate funds to different sectors, monitor expenditures, and ensure financial accountability and transparency.

(v) Human Resource Management: Public servants are responsible for managing the government's workforce. They recruit, hire, train, and evaluate employees, promote merit-based appointments, and develop policies for staff welfare, performance management, and career advancement.

(vi) Public Engagement and Communication: Public servants engage with the public, communicating government policies, programs, and initiatives. They facilitate citizen participation, gather feedback, address concerns, and promote transparency and accountability.

(vii) Diplomacy and International Relations: Public servants represent Nigeria in diplomatic and international affairs. They participate in negotiations, promote trade and economic cooperation, manage consular services, and work towards regional and global partnerships.

(viii) Research and Development: Public servants conduct research and analysis to inform policymaking and improve service delivery. They generate data, evaluate existing programs, identify emerging trends, and propose innovative solutions to address societal challenges.

(ix) Crisis and Disaster Management: Public servants play a vital role in managing crises and disasters. They develop contingency plans, coordinate emergency response efforts, provide relief and support to affected communities, and facilitate recovery and reconstruction.

(x) Monitoring and Evaluation: Public servants monitor and evaluate the performance and impact of government programs and policies. They assess their effectiveness, efficiency, and outcomes, and make recommendations for improvement.


(i)Violence and Criminal Activities: Cultism often involves the use of violence, intimidation, and criminal activities such as robbery, kidnapping, drug trafficking, and extortion.

(ii)Loss of Lives and Property: Cult clashes and rivalries can result in frequent clashes between different cult groups, leading to loss of lives and destruction of property.

(iii)Breakdown of Law and Order: Cultism undermines the rule of law by creating a parallel system of authority and justice.

(iv)Social Instability: Cult activities can disrupt social harmony and stability within communities.

(v)Cult Recruitment and Exploitation: Cults often employ deceptive tactics to recruit vulnerable individuals, particularly young people. 

(vi)Erosion of Ethical Values: Cults often promote ideologies that contradict societal norms and ethical values. 

(vi)Academic Disruption: Cultism frequently infiltrates educational institutions, leading to the disruption of academic activities.


(i)High levels of poverty, unemployment, and inequality create an environment where vulnerable individuals are more likely to be recruited into cults.

(ii)Inadequate resources, corruption, and a lack of proper training and coordination among law enforcement agencies can hamper their ability to effectively combat cult activities.

(iii)One significant hindrance to eradicating cultism in Nigeria is the lack of effective law enforcement.

(iv)Limited public awareness and understanding of the dangers and consequences of cultism can hinder eradication efforts.

(v)Cults employ sophisticated techniques of manipulation and indoctrination to control their members' thoughts, beliefs, and actions.







Also read: Waec 2023 Literature Answers

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