In this post you will read the waec 2023 QUESTION AND answers essay and obj.


PP&P Enterprises should consider implementing an HR department


(i)The HR department should develop effective strategies for attracting and hiring qualified candidates for vacant positions within the organization.

(ii)The HR department should facilitate the smooth integration of new employees into the organization.

(iii)The HR department should foster positive employee relations by implementing policies and practices that promote a healthy and productive work environment.

(iv) The HR department should develop and manage a comprehensive compensation and benefits system. 

(v)The HR department should establish performance management systems to assess and enhance employee performance


Physical filing system, such as paper-based files stored in cabinets, or an electronic filing system, such as a computer-based document management system.


(i)Physical files can be easily accessed and handled, allowing employees to quickly locate and retrieve the information they need.

(ii)Physical filing systems do not require complex technological infrastructure or specialized software. 

(iii)Physical files can be physically secured, such as by locking cabinets or restricting access to specific personnel.

(iv)Physical filing systems offer a visual representation of the organization's documents and records.


(i)Ineffective and lack of Staff Management system within the enterprise.

(ii)Failure to Adapt Filing Method deployed within the organisation

(iii)Lack of fairness and transparency in the salary and compensation structure within the organization.


Closed office layout refers to an office design where individual workspaces, such as offices or cubicles, are enclosed or separated by walls or partitions. 


Closed office layout" typically refers to an office design where individual employees have their own private offices, separate from one another.


(i)Limited Collaboration and Communication

(ii)Reduced Visibility and Oversight

(iii)Sense of Isolation and Disconnect among employees

(iv) limit flexibility in workspace allocation and hinder adjustments to changes

(v)Unequal Resource Distribution

(vi)Difficulty in Team Building and Cohesion


(i)Filing allows for the efficient and timely retrieval of documents when needed.

(ii)Filing ensures that important documents and records are properly documented and preserved.

(iii)Effective filing systems promote efficiency and productivity within the organization.

(iv)Filing plays a crucial role in meeting legal and regulatory requirements. 

(v)Filing systems provide valuable information for decision-making processes.

(vi)Filing systems help protect sensitive and confidential information.

(vii)Effective filing systems support collaboration and communication among team members.

(viii) Filing systems provide a trail of documentation for auditing.


(i) Identifying areas of improvement: The committee report can highlight areas where the company is lacking and offer recommendations on how to improve.

(ii) Enhancing decision-making: The committee report can provide valuable information and insights that management can use to make better decisions.

(iii) Improving communication: The committee report can serve as a tool to communicate information to employees and stakeholders about the company's sales and strategies to improve them.

(iv) Encouraging participation: The committee report can create a sense of involvement and ownership among employees and stakeholders inspiring them to contribute to the company's success.

(v) Supporting accountability: The committee report can serve as a tool to hold employees and management accountable for their actions as it highlights areas where improvements are needed.

(vi) Guiding future actions: The committee report can provide a roadmap for future action and planning guiding the company towards achieving its aim.


Agenda refers to a list or schedule of items to be discussed or addressed during a meeting, conference, or any other organized gathering.


Agenda serves as a guide or roadmap for the participants, outlining the topics, order of discussion, and time allocated for each item.


(i)Preparing the Meeting Room before participants arrive.

(ii)secretary ensures that all necessary materials are ready for the 


(ii)Secretary distributes copies of the agenda and materials for the meeting


(i)keeping track of relevant documents, reports, and other materials during the meeting. 

(ii)Assists in managing the flow and timing of the meeting.

(iii)Secretary supports effective communication during the meeting.

(iv)secretary ensures that they decision made are  accurately recorded in the minutes


(i)Once the minutes are finalized, the secretary distributes them to the participants and any other relevant individuals or stakeholders

(ii)Secretary follows up on the action items assigned during the meeting

(iii)secretary may be required to prepare a meeting report or summary for higher-level management 

(iv)Secretary ensures that all meeting materials and  any other relevant documents, are appropriately archived or stored.


(i)Verbal Communication is the exchange of information by words.WHILE non-verbal Communication is the exchange of information by wordless cues

(ii)Verbal Communication has less chance of confusion and misunderstanding the message. WHILE non-verbal Communication has more chance of confusion and misunderstanding the message

(iii)VerbalCommunication leads to a prompt interchange of information.WHILE Nonverbal Communication can take more time.

(iv)Verbal Communication doesn’t essentially require the presence of both the parties at the same place. WHILE Nonverbal Communication requires the presence of both the parties at the same place.


(i)Functional organization allows for the grouping of employees based on their areas of expertise and specialization. 

(ii)Functional organization promotes efficiency by grouping employees with similar skills and knowledge together. 

(iii)While functional organization emphasizes specialization, it also provides opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration

(iv) functional group will help Employees to  develop their skills, gain experience, and progress within their respective functions.






(v)Policies and Procedures


(vii)Intranet/Portal Content.



(i)Emails: Email allows for formal or informal communication, sharing of information, sending attachments, and facilitating correspondence between individuals or groups.

(ii)Memos: Memos  are used to communicate important information within an organization.

(iii)Reports: They are often used to summarize research, present data, or evaluate performance of an organisation

(iv)Letters: Letters are formal written communications typically used for internal  external correspondence.

(v) Policies and Procedures: Written policies and procedures serve as guidelines for employees to follow within the organization.

(vi)Newsletters: Newsletters are regular publications distributed within an organization to share updates, news, and announcements. 

(vii)Intranet/Portal Content: Many organizations have internal intranet sites or portals where written content is published.


(i)Regularly clean the computer system to prevent dust buildup. 

(ii)Ensure the computer is placed on a stable surface away from potential hazards 

(iii)Install and regularly update antivirus software on the computer to protect against malware and viruses

(iv)Regularly back up important data on the computer using reliable backup solutions


(i)Office machines are designed to perform tasks with a high level of precision and accuracy. 

(ii)Office machines can significantly reduce the time required to complete various tasks

(iii)Office machines facilitate communication within and outside the organization

(iv)Office machines contribute to better record keeping and data management. 

(v)Office machines can be interconnected and integrated into a unified system, enabling seamless information sharing and data transfer.


(i)Computers offer significantly higher typing speed and accuracy compared to typewriters. 

(ii)Computers provide a wide range of features and functionalities that typewriters lack. 

(iii)Computers enable easy and quick sharing of documents electronically

(iv)Computers allow for the efficient storage, organization, and retrieval of documents

(v)Computers can seamlessly integrate with other software applications and systems used in the office environment. 

(vi)Computers enable efficient and instant communication through email, messaging platforms, and video conferencing tools

(vii)Computers serve as multifunctional tools in the office. They can be used for  calculations and  data analysis.








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