In this we have provided you the waec 2023 animal husbandry practical answers.


SPECIMEN A: Secchi depth

SPECIMEN B: Dissolved Oxygen concentration


Draw the diagram


Specimen B is a dissolved oxygen meter used in fish culture to measure the amount of oxygen dissolved in water. It is calibrated before use to ensure accurate readings. A water sample is collected from the desired location within the system ensuring that the sample represents the water conditions experienced by the fish. The sensor is then immersed in the water sample, and the dissolved oxygen meter is activated to start the measurement process.


(i) Reduced growth rates 

(ii) Leads to respiratory distress 

(iii) Reduction in feed consumption

(iv) Results in increased mortality risk

(v) Disruption in metabolic functions and increased stress.


Fish waste or fish by-products.



(i) Used as bait for fishing

(ii) Used for pet food

(iii) Processed for fertilizer production

(iv) Used as a source of Omega-3 fatty acids for animal feed.

(v) Used to make fish oil.

(vi) Processed for the production of fishmeal.


(i) Ground and added to animal feed as a source of calcium and phosphorus

(ii) Used to manufacture bone meal fertilizer

(iii) Used in the production of gelatin

(iv) Used to make fish broth

(v) Used in the production of fish sauce

(vi) Processed for the production of fish glue.


(i) fish heads fish skin (ii) fish scales.


(i) Specimen E - Fish feed

(ii) Specimen F - Fish feed

(iii) Specimen G - Fish food

(iv) Specimen H - Fish feed

(v) Specimen J - Fish feed.


Soya bean cake is protein yielding.


(i) High in protein content.

(ii) Contains essential amino acids necessary for fish growth.

(iii) Enhances the immune system of fish

(iv) Reduces the risk of bacterial and fungal infections in fish.

(v) Promotes faster growth and development of fish.

(vi) Cost-effective and readily available.


Purse seine nets are commonly used in commercial fishing to capture large schools of fish like sardines herring and tuna. The net is a long wall of mesh that is set out in a semicircle around a school of fish and then closed like a purse to trap the fish. The bottom of the net is weighted to sink and keep the fish in while the top of the net floats on the surface. Once the fish are trapped they are hauled aboard the fishing vessel with a winching system.


Sandy soil 


(i) Good water drainage: Sandy soil allows water to drain freely which is essential for maintaining good water quality in the pond.

(ii) Prevents waterlogging: Waterlogging can lead to poor water quality which can be harmful to fish.

(iii) Easy to excavate: Sandy soil is easy to excavate compared to clayey soil which can be hard and compact.

(iv) Low cost: Sandy soil is readily available and inexpensive compared to other construction materials.

(v) Allows for efficient aeration: Sandy soil promotes efficient oxygen transfer between the water and atmosphere which is essential for the health of fish and aquatic plants.

(vi) Provides a stable base: Sandy soil provides a stable base for the pond reducing the risk of erosion and collapse of pond walls.


(i) Predation: Frogs are predators that can feed on small fish and fish eggs reducing the fish population in the pond.

(ii) Compete for food: Frogs can compete with fish for food resources negatively affecting the growth and development of fish.

(iii) Disease transmission: Frogs can carry and transmit diseases that can be harmful to fish.

(iv) Oxygen depletion: Large numbers of frogs in a pond can lead to oxygen depletion which is harmful to fish.

(v) Fouling of water: Frogs can contribute to the accumulation of organic matter in the pond leading to increased levels of ammonia and other harmful compounds.

(vi) Aesthetic problems: Frogs can be seen as a nuisance and can detract from the aesthetic appeal of the pond.


(i) Physical barriers

(ii)  Habitat modification

(iii) Chemical control

(iv) Predation

(v) Trapping

(vi) Sound deterrents.


(i) Vaccination: Needles and syringes are used to administer vaccines to fish to protect them from disease.

(ii) Medication: Needles and syringes are used to administer medication to fish to treat various diseases and infections.

(iii) Sampling: Needles and syringes are used to collect tissue samples from fish for research or diagnostic purposes.

(iv) Hormone treatment: Needles and syringes are used to administer hormones to fish to promote growth or induce reproduction.

(v) Anesthesia: Needles and syringes are used to administer anesthesia to fish prior to surgery or for research purposes.


(i) Hygiene: Proper hygiene practices must be observed to prevent the spread of disease or infection.

(ii) Accuracy: Ensure accurate dosing of medication or vaccines to avoid under or overdosing.

(iii) Safety: Proper handling and disposal of needles and syringes must be observed to prevent injury or accidents.

(iv) Needle size: The appropriate needle size should be used depending on the size of the fish and the depth of injection required.

(v) Type of injection: The type of injection (intramuscular or intraperitoneal) should be selected based on the medication being administered and the intended effect.


(i) Specimen N has a smoked smell while Specimen Q has a fishy smell.

(ii) Specimen N has  dry skin while Specimen Q has a moist skin.

(iii) Specimen N has a longer shelf live while Specimen Q has a short shelf live.

(iv) Specimen N has a sunken eyes while Specimen Q has protruding eyes.

(v) Specimen N is brown/black in appearance while Specimen Q is Grey/black in appearance.


(i) Preparation and Cleaning

(ii) Gutting and Filleting

(iii) Brining

(iv) Drying

(v) Smoking

(vi) Cooling and Storing.


(i) It allows fish to be edible for longer period of time.

(ii) It protects it from total spoilage.

(iii) It helps keep bacteria-carrying-insects away during the drying process.


(i) Plastic bags

(ii) Vacuum-sealed bags

(iii) Aluminum foil

(iv) Wax paper.

Also reed: Waec 2023 Animal Husbandry Practical Answers

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