In this post, you will read the 2023 neco Islamic studies objective questions.

1. Thumma radadnāhu asfala sāfilin is translated as

A. And this city of security.

B. Lifted from you your burden.

C. Raise you high in dignity.

D. Then do We abase him to the lowest of the low.

E. Then We raised him to the uppermost.

2. Al-Qur'ān was revealed to Prophet Muhammad(SAW) through Angel

A. 'Atīd.

B. Jibrīl.

C. Mikā'īl.

D. Raqīb.

E. Ridwān.

3. Al-Qur'ān was revealed in the month of
A. Jumädal-Awwal.
B. Muharram.
C. Rabi'ul Awwal.
D. Ramadān.
E. Shawwāl.

4. How many names of Allāh are in Süratul Fātihah?
A. Eight
B. Four
C. Six
D. Ten
E. Two

5. The first five revealed verses of al-Qur'än centred on the importance of
A. cleanliness.
B. justice.
C. knowledge.
D. righteousness.
E. sincerity.

6. The revelation of al-Qur'an wvas completed because
A. Angel Jibril was no longer sent.
B. Islām was recognized by the Quraysh.
C. the lastcommand was recorded.
D. the mission was completed.
E. the Prophet's (SAW) was aged.

7. The winter and summer journeys of the Arabs are mentioned in Sūrah
A. al-Ādiyāt.
B. al-Balad.
C. al-Fil.
D. al-Qāriah.
E. al-Quraysh.

8. Who among the following scholars is known for Qur'ānic exegesis?
A. Al-Ghazālī
B. Ar-Rāzī
C. Ibn Kathir
D. Ibn Rushd
E. Ibn Sīna.

9. Makkan chapters are
A. lengthy in verses.
B. longer in chapters.
C. referring to battles.
D. referring to the hypocrites.
E. shorter in chapters.

10. Sūratul Kafirūn is the chapter of al-Qur'ān.
A. 107
B. 108
C. 109
D. 110
E. 111.

11. The most prominent scribe in the compilation of Qur'ān was
A. 'Abdullāh bn 'Abbās.
B. Mu'ādh bn Jabal.
C. 'Uthmān bn 'Affan.
D. Zayd bn Hārithah.
E. Zayd bn Thābit.

12. The Night of Destiny is better than months.
A. hundred
B. million
C. ninety-nine
D. seventy-seven
E. thousand.

13. Sūratul Nasr contains how many verses.
B. four
C. seven
D. six
E. three

14. Ar-Rahmānir-Rahim is translated as the
A. Master of the day of Judgment.
B. Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
C. Most Gracious,the Most Powerful.
D. Praises be to Allāh.
E. You alone do we worship.

15. Hattā zurtumul maqābir is in Sūratul
A. Falaq.
B. Nās.
C. Nasr.
D. Takāthur.
E. Zalzalah.

16. Complete this verse Alam tara kayfa fa'ala Rabbuka
A. bi'as'hābil fil.
B. ka'asfin ma'kūl.
C. min Sijjil.
D. tayran abābīl.
E. yaj'al kaydahum fitadlīl.

17. I do not worship that which you worship is translated from Sūratul
A. Fātihah.
B. Ikhlās.
C. Kāfirūn.
D. Mā'ūn.
E. Masad.

18. Which of the following Suwar has least number of verses?
A. 'Ādiyāt
B. 'Alaq
C. Bayyinah
D. Kawthar
E. Qāri'ah.

19. The theme of Hadith eighteen of an-Nawawi's collection is
A. abstaining from adultery.
B. consciousnessof Allāh wherever you are.
C. fasting in the month of Ramadān.
D. guiding the Muslims in prayer.
E. promoting unity.

20. The most authentic books of Hadith are
A. Bukhārī and Muslim.
B. Bukhārī and Tirmidhī.
C. Muwattā and Musnad.
D. Nasā'ī and Ibn Mājah.
E. Tirmidhī and Abū Dāwüd.

21. Fal yugayyirhu bi yadihī means to
A. be afraid of sin.
B. correct evil with hand.
C. correct evil with tongue.
D. hate the evil acts.
E. regret bad deeds.

22. Imām Muslim was one of the disciples of Imām
A. Abū Dāwūd.
B. Al-Bukhari.
C. An-Nasā'ī.
D. At-Tirmidhī.
E. Ibn Mājah.

23. The book Jāmi'is attributed to Imām
A. Abū Dāwūd.
B. Al-Bukhārī.
C. Al-Tirmidhī.
D. Ibn MAājah.
E. Muslim.

24. Which of the following is the theme of Hadith nineteen of an-Nawawi'S collection?
A. Brotherhood
B. Kindness
C. Patience
D. Purification
E. Sincerity

25. The work of Imam Muslim is known as
A. Da'īf.
B. Hasan.
C. Matn.
D. Sahīh.
E. Sunan.

26. Imām al-Bukhārī worked on Ahādīth.
A. 300,000
B. 400,000
C. 500,000
D. 600,000
E. 700,000.

27. The first three of the six sound collectors are Bukhārī,
A. Abū Dāwūd and Tirmidhī.
B. Muslim and Abū Dāwūd.
C. Muslim and Ibn Mājah.
D. Muslim and Nasā'ī.
E. Nasā'ī and Mālik.

28. Imām al-Bukhārī was born in
A. Central Asia.
B. Eastern Europe.
C. Latin America.
D. North Africa.
E. West Africa.

29. The Hadith that was related by the Prophet (SAW) is called Hadīth
A. al-Marfū'.
B. an-Nabawiy.
C. al-Qudsī.
D. as-Sharīf.
E. as-Sahih.

30. Abū Dāwüd was born in Sidjistan and settled in
A. Baghdād.
B. Basrah.
C. Madīnah.
D. Makkah.
E. Yamen.

31. Addinu an-Nasihah means Religion is a
A. behaviour.
B. guidance.
C. morality.
D. sincerity
E. worship.

32. Imām Muslim was born in AH.
A. 202
B. 220
C. 304
D. 315
E. 406.

33. The first compiled book of Hadith among the following is
A. Jāmi'at-Tirmidhī.
B. Sahih al-Bukhäri.
C. Sahih Muslim.
D. Sunan Abī Dāwūd.
E. Sunan an-Nasā'ī.

34. Hadith three of an-NawawI'S collection centres on
A. articles of faith.
B. counseling.
C. dedication.
D. humility.
E. pillars of Islām.

35. Which of the following is not mentioned in Hadith two of an-Nawawi's collection?
A. Al-Ihsān
B. Al-Imān
C. Al-Ilām
D. Al-Jihāh
E. As-Sā'ah.

36. Hadith ten of an-Nawawi's collection is on the relevance of for answering prayers.
A. hardworking
B. Islamic brotherhood
C. lawful means
D. long journey
E. perseverance.

37. The main commercial centre of the Quraysh people was
A. Abyssinia.
B. Madīnah.
C. Misrah.
D. Shām.
E. Tā'if.

38. The age difference between the Prophet(SAW) and Khadījah(RA) was years.
A. fifteen
B. five
C. ten
D. twenty
E. twenty-five.

39. Which of the following animals played the most important role in the economic life of the Arabs?
A. Camel
B. Cow
C. Donkey
D. Elephant
E. Horse.

40. Jābir bn Hayyan died in
A. Basrah.
B. Kūfah.
C. Madinah.
D. Makkah.
E. Naysābūr.

41. The Jahiliyyah Arabs were well-known for
A. arts.
B. astronomy.
C. fornication.
D. idolatry.
E. music.

42. Abū Tālib was a/an to the Prophet (SAW).
A. brother
B. cousin
C. grand father
D. nephew
E. uncle.

3. The first woman to accept Islām was
A. Khadījah (RA).
B. Sa'diyyah(RA).
C. Safiyyah(RA).
D. Sawdah(RA).
E. Sumayyah(RA).

44. The people of Madinah were known as al-
A. Ansār.
B. Ikhwān.
C. Muhājirūn.
D. Mu'minūn.
E. Muslimūn.

45. Khadijah(RA) died in the year of the Prophet's (SAW) mission.
A. eighth
B. fifteenth
C. fifth
D. tenth
E. twelfth.

46. The first martyr in Islām was
A. Nafisah.
B. Nusaybah.
C. Sa'diyyah.
D. Sumayyah.
E. Suwaybah.

47. Muhammad Bello was the son of
A. Abdullāh bn Fodio.
B. Ahmad Kunti.
C. Muhammad El-Kanemi.
D. ·Umar al-Futi.
E. 'Uthmān bn Fodio.

48. When the persecution became unbearable at Makkah, the Muslims migrated to
A. Basrah.
B. Habashah.
C. Kūfah.
D. Shām.
E. Tā'if.

49. The number of Ulul-Azm minar Rusul is
A. five.
B. nine.
C. seven.
D. ten.
E. two.

40. Which of the following idols was not worshipped by the people of Prophet Nūh (AS)?
A. Hubal
B. Nasr
C. Wadd
D. Ya'ūq
E. Yagūth.

51. The Ulul-Azm minar Rusl among the following is
A. Dāwūd.
B. Ibrāhīm.
C. Sulaymān.
D. Yahyā.
E. Yūsuf.

52. The last Scripture was revealed to Prophet.
A. Ādam (AS).
B. Ibrāhīm (AS).
C. Īsā (AS).
D. Muhammad (SAW).
E. Mūsā (AS).

53. The number of Prophets mentioned in the Qur'ān is
A. forty.
B. thirty.
C. thirty-five.
D. twenty.
E. twenty-five.

54. Al-Khāliq means the
A. Compeller.
B. Creator.
C. Fashioner.
D. Supreme.
E. Wise.

55. Which of the following is an obligatory act of ablution?
A. Making intention
B. Rinsing mouth
C. Rubbng ears
D. Saying Basmalah
E. Washing hands to the wrist.

56. Standing while reciting Sürah in the prayer is
A. Fard.
B. Makrūh.
C. Mandūb.
D. Mustahāb.
E. Sunnah.

57. Deceit and cheating in measurement are known as
A. al-Ghulūl.
B. an-Namīmah.
C. ar-Ribā.
D. ar-Rishwah.
E. at-Tatfif.

58. It is permissible for a menstruating woman to
A. circumambulate the Kàbah.
B. hold al-Qur'ān.
C. observe fasting.
D. perform prayers.
E. slaughter animal.

59. The non-obligatory prayer upon women is Salātul.
A. 'Aşr.
B. 'Işhā'.
C. Jumu 'ah.
D. Maghrib.
E. Zuhr.

60. Who among the following Imām is not a jurist?
A. Abū-Hanifah
B. AI-Ghazālī
C. As-Shāfi'
D. Ibn Hambal
E. Mālik bn Anas

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