2023 Zamafara State BECE English Question and Answers

2023 Zamafara State BECE English Question and Answers

Welcome to abduledu.com.ng where  we have provided you the 2023 
Basic education certificate examination (BECE) English studies Theory and Objectives questions.


Time Allowed:I:45min.


 This paper is divided into three(3)sections A,B and C. you are advised to answer only one question in section A,while all questions are to be answered in section B and C.


You are expected to answer only One question in this section.Consideration will be given to good logical presentation of though and choice of appropriate diction.

1. Write an essay on the topic:"The Food I like Best"

2. Write a letter to your father informing him about your class going to Kainji Dam on excursion.

3. You have just learnt that your younger cousin has gained admission to a boarding school,write a letter congratulating hin Vher and giving your advice on how to cope with life in a boarding school.


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

The ear was starving and in desperation came to seek for food at the mosquito's house.He was so thin could hardly walk.As he approached the mosquito's house,he saw him hide something under a stone. When the mosquito had gone to bathe in the river,the ear stole the bowl of flour and made a big dish of porridge and shared it with his hundred's of hungry children.The mosquito returned from his bath and was hungry so he looked under the stone to get some flour and found that it was gone.He quickly flew to his nearest neighbour,the ear and demanded for his food."if you do not five me back my flour,I shall never leave you,I will bother you when you hunt or fish or sleep",whined the mosquito.So,when a mosquito comes to bite a man, the chief of all living things,it first goes to the ear and whines,"Give me your flour".

If a man hears this and does not give it,the mosquito takes his food where he can find it.


1. According to the passage, what was the condition of the entire work? The entire world was
(c) happy
(b) disturbed by the mosquito
(d) looking for flour
(e) starving.

2. The mission of the ear to the mosquito's house was to
(a) kill him
(b) listen to him
(c) play with him (d) seek for food
(d) take the stone.

3. The passage can be titled the;
(a) ear and the flour
(b) ear and the mosquito
(c) flour and the mosquito (d) man and the mosquito
(e) stolen flour.

4. Where was the mosquito when the ear stole his flour? The mosquito went
(a) to be somebody
(c) to church
(b) to bathe in the river
(d) to sleep
(e) hiding under the stone.

5. According to the passage, who is the chief of all living things?
(b) flour
(e) mosquito


Complete each of the following questions with the most appropriate of
the options lettered A-E.

6. The football match started immediately the Governor entered the
(a) court
(c) gymnasium
(b) games reserve
(e) stadium

7. The accident ____ had just been wheeled into the emergency ward
(a) patient
(c) sickler
(b) person
(d) sufferer
(e) victim.

8. The girl was ____ for losing her school fees.
(b) condemned
(d) disowned (e) scolded
(a) abused
(c) disgraced
(a) abused
a London bound plane at the .

9. The president Aminu Kano International Airport,
(a) Boarded.
(c) flew in
(b) entered
(e) rode in

10. Mary organized a dinner to formally introduce her to the family
(e) spouse
(d) man
(b) fancee(b) fancee
Complete each of the following questions with the appropriate of the options lettered A-E.

11. Peter came to the meeting_ his serious illness
(b) despite
(a) against(a) against
(e) regardless

12. The woman accused the boy_stealing her money
(b) of
(a)by(a)by(c) off
(d)on (e)with.

13. Kabir is not as old we thought
(a) as
(c) so
(e) that.

14. The sentence "He said he might see you the following day",re-written in the direct form will become?
(a) he can see you tomorrow
(b) he may see you the following day
"I can see you tomorrow" he said
(d) "I could see you the following day" said he
(e) "1 may see you tomorrow" said he.
(c) either.

15. The boy could go home by ____ route
(a) all
(e) neither
16. We met ____ boys who had caught some fish
(b) any (c) every
(d)many (e)much.

17. _____ our point of view, the decision is regrettable

18. Neither the borrower ____ the lender was there,
(b) from
(a) and
(b) from
(e) to
19. _______ passengers are to be responsible for their own luggage,
(c) either
(d)every (e)neither
20. The controversy has been finally_to rest
(a) laid
(b) lain (c)lay


Choose from the options lettered A-E,the one that contains the given phonetic symbol.
21. /d/ (a) bathe (b) die (c) sooth (d) they (e) thine
22. /is/ (a) badge(b) chin (c) jeer (d) Jest (e) large
23. /J/ (a)comb(b) make (c) man (d)net (e) sing
24. /  (a)bash (b)beige (c)decision (d) rough (e) vision
25. lil (a) deep (b) die (c) fit (d) kite (e) quay
26. /  (a)energy (b) eye(c)van (d)very (e) war
27. /i:/ (a) dress (b) drug (c) eat (d) egg (e) focus
(a) about (b) fall (c)my (d) now (e) this
29. /ei/ (a)babe(b) goal (c)height (d)neat (e) nest
30. /a/ (a) awful (b) drawn (c)glamour (d) hurt (e)owl.

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