In this post, you will read the 2023 neco Islamic theory questions

7.(a) Narrate the story of Jesus Christ's description of Himself as the living bread.

(b) State threesignificance of Jesus Christ as the living bread.

8.(a) Outline Paul's teaching on Civic Responsibility.

(b)Mention three ways by which we can show that we are responsible citizens.

9.(a)According to the book of First Peter,how should Christian leaders relate to their followers?

(b) State threeproblems facing Christian leaders today.

Answer four questions in all,at least one from each sectin.

1.(a) Account for God's provision of a helper for Adam.

(b) State two ways the union of Adam and Eve was different from that of the present day marriage.

(c) Mention two purposes for which the first man and woman were created.

2.(a) Highlight Israel's suffering as a result of Eli's parental irresponsibility

(b) List three lessons that could be derived from the attitudeof Eli.

3.(a) Discuss the circumstances that led to the dismissal of Gehazi from the service of Elisha.

(b) State three lessons that could be learnt from Gehazi's misconduct.

4.(a)Relate the second and the third temptations of Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew's account.

(b) State three lessons Christians can learn from Jesus Christ's reactions to the incidents.

5.(a) Narrate Jesus Christ's appearance to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus.

(b) Highlight three lessons that can be lcamt from the encounter.

6.(a) Give an account of the work of Philip in Samaria.

(b) List three ways the activities of the Holy Spirit manifested in Samaria.

Answer four questions,one fromeach section.

1.(a) Write,preferably in Arabic,the text of Süratd Asr.

(b). Translate the Sürah.

(c). State three lessons from the Sürah.

(a). Explain three reasons al-Qur'an was revealed in stages.  (9 marks)

(b). Intoxicants and gambling are prohbited in Qur'an 5:90-91;

State from the verses,three effects of intoxicants and gambling.   

3. (a) Complete the following Hadith.

(b) Give two lessons from the Hadith

4. (a). Define Isnad and Matn.

(b). Briefly explain three citeria for the authenticity of Hadith.

5. (a). Mention three differences between Hajj and 'Umrah.

(b) State five Sunah steps of prayer.

(c) Itemise four acts that vitiate prayer.

6. (a). Write the wordings of Kalimatus-Shahadah.

(b). Translate the Kalimah.

(c). Explain the last part of the Kalimah.

7. (a)Briefly discuss the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.

(b) Give three lessons derived from the Treaty.

8. (a) Mention three factors that facilitated the spread of Islam in West Africa.

(b) Give three examples of integration and influence of Islamic cultral values in West Africa.


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