For the WAEC Chemistry Practical examination in 2024/2025: its crucial for candidates and examination officials to follow specific guidelines and precautions. This post offers a detailed look at the required apparatus, materials, and instructions for the practical exam to ensure a smooth and successful experience for everyone involved.



The WAEC Chemistry Practical examination holds significant importance in assessing the practical skills and comprehension of chemical principles among chemistry students. Upholding fairness and integrity in the examination is paramount, necessitating strict adherence to the guidelines and precautions provided herein by all candidates and examination officials.
Here's the WAEC Chemistry Practical Specimen for 2024/2025:

To maintain exam integrity, ensure candidates do not access the information in items 2 and 3 before the exam.
Each candidate will need:

1. One 50 cm3 burette
2. One pipette (either 20 cm3 or 25 cm3, all candidates at a center must use pipettes of the same volume, clean and grease-free)
3. Standard titration apparatus
4. Apparatus and reagents for qualitative work, including:
  • Dilute sodium hydroxide solution
  • Dilute hydrochloric acid
  • Dilute trioxonitrate(V) acid
  • Silver trioxonitrate(V) solution
  • Acidified potassium dichromate solution
  • Aqueous ammonia
  • Lime water
  • Red and blue litmus paper
  • Dilute tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid
  • Fehlings solution A & B
5. Spatula
6. Filtration apparatus
7. One beaker
8. One boiling tube
9. Four test tubes
10. Methyl orange as an indicator
11. Glass rod
12. Wash bottle containing distilled/deionized water
13. Burning splint
14. Watch glass
15. Bunsen burner/source of heat
16. Droppers
17. Mathematical table/calculator.

Each candidate should receive the following, where 'n' is the candidate's serial number:
1. 150 cm3 of a solution of HCl in a corked flask or bottle labeled 'An'. These should all be identical, containing 8.5 cm3 of concentrated HCl per dm3 of solution.
2. 150 cm3 of Na2CO3.10 H2O in a corked flask or bottle labeled 'Bn'. These should all be identical, containing 5.0 g of the hydrated salt per dm3 of solution.
3. One spatulaful of glucose in a specimen bottle labeled 'Cn'. This must be the same for all candidates.
4. One spatulaful of zinc oxide powder in a specimen bottle labeled 'Dn'. This must be the same for all candidates.

In preparation for the 2024/2025 WAEC Chemistry Practical examination, candidates must have specific apparatus and materials on hand, such as burettes, pipettes, reagents, and tools for qualitative analysis. 

These items are crucial for conducting experiments and showcasing their practical understanding of chemistry concepts. Additionally, candidates will receive labeled solutions of HCl, Na2CO3·10H2O, glucose, and zinc oxide powder, which should be utilized according to the provided instructions during the examination.


Here is a detailed breakdown of the WAEC Chemistry Practical Specimen for 2024/2025:

1. Burette (50 cm3): 

Used for accurate measurement and delivery of liquids during titration experiments.

2. Pipette (20 cm3 or 25 cm3): 

Utilized for precise measurement and transfer of specific volumes of liquids, ensuring consistency in experiments. All candidates at a center must use pipettes of the same volume.

3. Standard titration apparatus: 

Consists of burettes, pipettes, and other necessary equipment for carrying out titration experiments accurately.

4. Apparatus and reagents for qualitative work: 

Includes essential chemicals and tools for qualitative analysis, such as:
  • Dilute sodium hydroxide solution
  • Dilute hydrochloric acid
  • Dilute trioxonitrate(V) acid
  • Silver trioxonitrate(V) solution
  • Acidified potassium dichromate solution
  • Aqueous ammonia
  • Lime water
  • Red and blue litmus paper
  • Dilute tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid
  • Fehlings solution A & B

5. Additional apparatus and materials:

  • Spatula: For transferring small amounts of solid reagents.
  • Filtration apparatus: Used for separating solid impurities from liquids through filtration.
  • Beaker: Container for holding and mixing liquids during experiments.
  • Boiling tube: Used for heating liquids or substances in a controlled manner.
  • Test tubes (four): Small glass tubes for conducting various chemical tests and reactions.
  • Methyl orange: Indicator for acid-base titrations, changing color at specific pH ranges.
  • Glass rod: Stirring tool for mixing solutions or suspensions.
  • Wash bottle with distilled/deionized water: Used for rinsing glassware and diluting reagents.
  • Burning splint: Used to test for the presence of flammable gases.
  • Watch glass: Cover for beakers or evaporating dishes to prevent evaporation or contamination.
  • Bunsen burner/source of heat: For providing a flame for heating substances during experiments.
  • Droppers: Dispensing devices for transferring small amounts of liquid reagents.
  • Mathematical table/calculator: For performing calculations during experiments and data analysis.
Additionally, each candidate will receive specific labeled solutions and substances, including:
  • 150 cm3 of a solution of HCl labeled 'An' containing 8.5 cm3 of concentrated HCl per dm3 of solution.
  • 150 cm3 of Na2CO3·10H2O labeled 'Bn' containing 5.0 g of the hydrated salt per dm3 of solution.
  • One spatulaful of glucose in a specimen bottle labeled 'Cn'.
  • One spatulaful of zinc oxide powder in a specimen bottle labeled 'Dn'.
These labeled solutions and substances are to be used according to the provided instructions during the examination.



  • Each candidate receives 150 cm3 of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) solution labeled 'An'.
  • The solution has a concentration of 8.5 cm3 of concentrated HCl per dm3.
  • Hydrochloric Acid is a strong acid commonly used in laboratory experiments like titrations and acid-base reactions.


  • Each candidate gets 150 cm3 of Sodium Carbonate Decahydrate (Na2CO3·10H2O) solution labeled 'Bn'.
  • The solution has a concentration of 5.0 grams of the hydrated salt per dm3.
  • Sodium Carbonate Decahydrate is used in experiments, especially titrations and carbonate tests.


  • Candidates receive a spatulaful of glucose in a specimen bottle labeled 'Cn'.
  • All candidates receive the same amount of glucose.
  • Glucose, a simple sugar, is used in experiments related to carbohydrates, such as testing for reducing sugars or fermentation.


  • The specimen labeled 'Dn' contains a spatulaful of zinc oxide powder.
  • All candidates receive the same amount of zinc oxide powder.
  • Zinc oxide, a white powdery compound, is used in various chemistry experiments, including reactions involving metal oxides and compound preparation. Handle it with care and follow safety precautions.


Certainly! Here are some descriptions and tips to note about the article for candidates:

1. Understanding Specimens: The article provides a detailed description of the specimens candidates will encounter in the WAEC Chemistry Practical examination. Candidates should carefully read and understand the information about each specimen to know what to expect during the exam.

2. Concentration Details: Pay attention to the concentration details provided for Specimens A and B (Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Carbonate Decahydrate solutions, respectively). Understanding the concentration of these solutions is crucial for conducting accurate experiments and calculations during the practical examination.

3. Handling of Substances: Candidates should note the specific handling instructions for Specimens C and D (Glucose and Zinc Oxide Powder, respectively). Following safety precautions and proper handling techniques is essential to ensure a safe laboratory environment and accurate experimental results.

4. Application in Experiments: Each specimen has potential applications in various experiments, such as titrations, qualitative analysis, and testing for specific chemical properties. Candidates should brainstorm and familiarize themselves with the possible uses of each specimen to better prepare for the practical examination.

5. Practice and Familiarization: Candidates are encouraged to practice using the specimens in simulated laboratory settings to gain hands-on experience and confidence. Familiarizing themselves with the apparatus, reagents, and procedures beforehand can help reduce anxiety and improve performance during the actual examination.

6. Note-taking: During practice sessions, candidates should take notes on observations, procedures, and any challenges encountered. These notes can serve as valuable reference materials for revision and preparation in the lead-up to the examination.

7. Review Safety Guidelines: Before conducting any experiments, candidates should review safety guidelines and protocols for handling laboratory equipment and chemicals. Safety should always be a top priority to prevent accidents and ensure a productive laboratory experience.

By paying attention to these descriptions and tips, candidates can enhance their understanding and preparation for the WAEC Chemistry Practical examination, ultimately increasing their chances of success.


In conclusion, the WAEC Chemistry Practical Specimen for the year 2024/2025 requires meticulous preparation and strict adherence to the provided instructions. Candidates must equip themselves with the necessary apparatus and materials and remain vigilant to prevent any unauthorized access to information before the examination. By following these guidelines, candidates can contribute to a fair and successful examination experience for everyone involved. Best of luck to all participants in the upcoming WAEC Chemistry Practical examination!


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