WAEC Physics Practical Specimen for the 2024/2025:  exam includes three different sets of questions, each with its own equipment and materials. Let's take a closer look at each of these sets to understand what students can expect.

The WAEC Physics Practical Specimens for 2024 have been announced! These are the tools and equipment you'll use during your physics practical exam. In this blog post, we'll reveal the specimens confirmed by the West African Examinations Council. Knowing these specimens will greatly help you excel in your Physics practical exam.



In the 2024/2025 WAEC Physics Practical exam, students will face different sets of questions meant to test their practical grasp of physics ideas. These questions are split into three sets, each coming with its own set of equipment and materials. Here, we'll give a quick overview of the materials and equipment for each set.

We're excited to confirm that the specimens provided here for science students studying physics are genuine and will be used in the upcoming May/June Physics examination. Feel free to use them for practice to enhance your preparation. Answers to the practical exam questions will also be available on this website during the examination period, so stay tuned for further assistance.

See the WAEC Physics Practical Specimen 2024/2025 below:


  • 1- 100cm string
  • 2- Stopwatch
  • 3- Coil spring
  • 4- Stand with setup
  • 5- Sharp edge
  • 6- A 100g weight labeled as P
  • 7- A 20g weight labeled as Q
  • 8- Various weights (40g, 50g, 60g, 70g, 80g)
  • 9- Meter ruler


  • 1-Four optical pins
  • 2-Drawing pins
  • 3-Triangular prism
  • 4-Half metre rule
  • 5-Plane mirror
  • 6-A rectangular block (glass or Perspex)
  • 7-measuring at least 10cm×9cm
  • 8-Drawing sheet
  • 9-Drawing board


  • 1- Key or switch
  • 2- Power source with an electromotive force (EMF) of 2 volts
  • 3- Ten wires for connections
  • 4- Box with adjustable resistance
  • 5- Pointed tool called a jockey
  • 6- Meter bridge
  • 7- Resistor with 1 ohm marked as R
  • 8- Adjustable resistor called a rheostat
  • 9- Device to measure voltage (voltmeter)
  • 10- Device to measure current (ammeter).
Summarized: The WAEC Physics Practical Specimen for the 2024/2025 exam offers three sets of questions, each with unique materials and equipment. These sets explore various physics concepts like mechanics, optics, and electrical circuits. Students are advised to get acquainted with the materials and hone their experimental skills for success in this practical test.
Certainly! Below is a detailed explanation of the WAEC Physics Practical Specimen for the 2023/2024 examination:

1. 100cm piece of string: 

This is likely used for experiments involving pendulums, wave motion, or measurements requiring precise lengths.

2. Stopwatch: 

Used to measure time intervals with high accuracy, essential for experiments involving motion, velocity, or periodic motion.

3. Helical spring: 

Often utilized in experiments related to Hooke's Law, elasticity, and spring constants.

4. Retort stand set-up: 

Consists of a retort stand, clamps, and bosses, providing support for various apparatus during experiments, such as pendulums or optical setups.

5. Knife edge: 

Typically used in experiments involving moments of force, equilibrium, or center of gravity.

6. A load of mass 100g concealed and labelled as P: 

This weight is used for experiments involving forces, mass, and equilibrium.

7. A load of mass 20g concealed and labelled as Q: 

Another weight used for similar experiments as weight P but with a different mass value.

8. A set of masses (40g, 50g, 60g, 70g, and 80g): 

These masses are likely used in conjunction with balances or force sensors to explore the effects of varying masses on different phenomena like force, acceleration, or equilibrium.

9. Metre rule: 

Used for measurements of length and distance, crucial for experiments requiring precise dimensional analysis.

10. Key/switch: 

Likely used in electrical circuit experiments to control the flow of current.

11. Source of emf, E=2V: 

This is a power source with an electromotive force of 2 volts, used in electrical circuit experiments.

12. Ten connecting wires: 

These wires are essential for connecting various components in electrical circuit experiments.

13. Resistance box: 

A device containing resistors of known values used to vary the resistance in electrical circuits.

14. Jockey: 

Used in experiments involving a Wheatstone bridge or a potentiometer to make contact with a resistor or a wire.

15. Metre bridge: 

An instrument used to measure unknown electrical resistance in a wire.

16. 1Ω standard resistor labelled R: 

A resistor with a known resistance value of 1 ohm, used as a standard for comparison in electrical circuit experiments.

17. Rheostat: 

An adjustable resistor used to vary the current in electrical circuit experiments.

18. Voltmeter: 

Instrument used to measure voltage or potential difference in electrical circuits.

19. Ammeter: 

Instrument used to measure current in electrical circuits.

These specimens cover a wide range of physics topics including mechanics, optics, and electrical circuits, providing students with a comprehensive practical examination experience. It is important for candidates to understand the principles behind each specimen and practice using them effectively to excel in the physics practical examination.


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