What Is The Meaning Of C5 In WAEC Result 2024/2025?


What Is The Meaning Of C5 In WAEC Result 2024/2025

What Is The Meaning Of C5 In WAEC Result 2024/2025?

When students get their results from the West African Examination Council (WAEC), they see letters and numbers that show how well they did in different subjects. One of these codes is "C5." It's important for students, parents, and teachers to know what "C5" means so they can understand how well the student did.

What Is The Meaning Of C5 In Waec Result?

C5 stands for Credit. In the WAEC grading system, each letter grade shows a certain range of scores. The "C" in "C5" shows the overall grade category, while the "5" refines the level of achievement more. Here's what it means:
  • C Category: "C" means the student gets a "Credit" level of achievement. It shows they did well enough in the subject, understanding the material.
  • Numeric Indicator (5): The number that comes after the grade category gives a more exact idea of the student's performance. In "C5," the number "5" means the student scored between 55% and 59%. This range shows a decent level of performance, where the student understands the subject well but could still improve a bit.

Implications Of Receiving A C5 Grade

Getting a C5 grade in a subject is a good thing. It shows that the student has understood a big part of what they've been taught and grasped the main ideas. But there are a couple of things to keep in mind:
  • Satisfactory Performance: C5 means the student's performance is okay. It might not be the best grade, but it still shows they've put in effort and understand the subject.
  • Room for Improvement: Students shouldn't feel bad about getting a C5. It means there's still space to get better. It can motivate them to keep studying and aim for higher grades.

Interpreting The Waec Grading Scale

Understanding where a C5 grade fits in the WAEC grading scale helps put it into perspective. Here's the entire scale:

  • A1: Excellent (75% - 100%)
  • B2: Very Good (70% - 74%)
  • B3: Good (65% - 69%)
  • C4: Credit (60% - 64%)
  • C5: Credit (55% - 59%)
  • C6: Credit (50% - 54%)
  • D7: Pass (45% - 49%)
  • E8: Pass (40% - 44%)
  • F9: Fail (0% - 39%) 
So, a C5 grade means the student did okay, and it falls within the Credit range.


To sum up, a C5 in WAEC results means a "Credit" grade with a score between 55% and 59%. It shows the student did okay and understood the subject reasonably well. While it's not the best grade, it still reflects a good effort and room for improvement. Knowing the WAEC grading system and what each grade means is crucial for students, parents, and teachers to understand academic progress accurately.

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